Be careful what you wish for, ‘cause you just might get it. And I got it again. Another dream came true.

If it hadn’t been for Camilla Läckberg and her amazing and captivating books, I would have never heard of Fjällbacka. Hence I would have never come here. And Fjällbacka won my heart right away. Cozy, nice and friendly place in the west coast of Sweden. No wonder Ingrid Bergman loved this place too.
Fjällbacka is not like I thought it would be. I thought it would be more spacious and spread out. But I like to be wrong like that. It is even more beautiful than I imagined. Of course I checked some places from Fjällbacka saga. Eat and drink this and that. Now it is time to come back.
If you are ever nearby, it is a must see place. Just for a brief visit. So worth it.
@lackberg tack så mycket för att du skapade och förverkligade ännu en dröm