Top of the day to you. I have a confession to make. I have a sweet tooth. In general I do not buy sweets. However when I see something at my friends’!? Oh my. The whole chocolate bar, candy, you name it, is gone in two shakes of a lamb’s tail. Yup. That’s me.
Perks of having an older sibling? My mom was telling my sister to cook, to clean, to do home chores. But when she was gone for work my clever sis was like “Maciek, mom said that you had to prepare dinner, clean the house and take out the garbage”. Yeah. I was young and stupid. I mean, submissive ?So I can do anything in the kitchen now.
Today – waffles with whipped cream and blackberries. Yum ???mlask
Oh, listening to my fav album ever – “Twilight as Played by The Twilight Singers” by The Twilight Singers.
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