things that make you go hmmm

Play this and read:

What is my favourite decade? Hmmm. 90s? Yes. I am the 90s boy. Maybe it is because everybody was waitng for the new millennium? The last decade of the century, of the last 1 000 years? Maybe because it was the bloom of me? Coming of age? Hmmm. Musically it was the best (or one of the best decades. 1991-1992 the great example) and … the worst decade in music (german crap pop/europe dance shit).


In 1990s we got:

– aids

– grunge

– whassup/as if/getting jiggy with it

– internet (my hotmail address is dated 1995)

– boy/girl bands

– gangsta rap/East and West Coast rap

– weird clothes

– new jack swing

– tv series: beverly hills 90210/Friends – I KNOW!

– spice girls

– oasis vs blur/brit pop

– Super Bowl halftime shows (The King of Pop’s 1993 performance is said to be the most watched events in American TV history)


Interesting fact from the list above – in almost every boyband there was a (closeted) gay member. I have never heard anything about girlbands’ members. Hmmm. Although i heard some rumours about Mel C aka Sporty Spice…

My fav girlband was badass TLC. May you rest in piece Lisa „Left Eye” Lopes.


Random fact about me – i have never danced Macarena. Hmmm.

Random fact about me number 2 – the biggest breaking moment of the 90s was a cable tv in my house (early 1990). I could watch all kinds of tv programmes in their orignal language. That is how i learnt English – FilmNet, Eurosport, BBC and, last but not least, MTV (Yes, MUSIC television).

In the 90s we were expecting something amazing. We were about to enter the unknown. Y2K!

C+C Music Factory came out of nowhere in 1990 with their smash hit single „Gonna make you sweat (everybody dance now)”. Critics agreed that new times are coming. No music bands anymore. No individual artists. Only products made in (music) factories. They were not that wrong. We had some music projects (Wamdue Projects, Captain Hollywood Project, Gotan Project). Luckily those hybrids did not last. What left after these projects were boysbands and Britney Spears. It is not my intention to write about them now. Hmmm, isn’t it?

I loved

„My lonely ass is killimg me

(…) show me how you wanna do me”

My english sucked big time those days and i was pretty sure the soon-to-be Princess of Pop or American Sweetheart was really singing that to me. Where is she now? Hmmm.


Yesterday i deleted „Gonna make you sweat” from my music. It has aged in my opinion. Although i still have a huge sentiment. It was new, it was groundbreaking. The album went platinum … 5 times! „Come on, let’s sweat”.

The reason i am writing this post is a one specific thing that DO make me go hmmm.

Everybody who knows me knows that i am bit … mediculous. I am pretty sure i will end up with some mental illness. Nobody is perfect, so i am not an exception. However i have been living my life luckily with all those perfect things about me.

I like cleanliness and order. Hmmm, thanks to one particular friend. She taught me that. Or was it my mother? Hmmm. Never mind.

I say it is nothing out of ordinary. When you have friends coming over you have to clean your apt, right?

When you live in a studio, every little single thing (like a sock) left unattended and/or carelessly makes the MESS.

Clean up, clean up! When it is clean i am at peace (with myself). So i clean. I like tidiness. However most of the times when i make my kitchen shiny i quickly make mess again. Why? Maybe i like cooking when all is in its place? Maybe.

When i chop, parts of vegtables are flying around. When i fry or cook, everything is splashing.

However the worst thing is grating vegtables. I have to be very focused and see where all those little bastards are going. Floor, wall, all kinds of nooks and crannies. I always cover the majority of free and clean space with my big body. I block, i prevent those scraps from hiding from me and my vacuum. When i am done with cooking i look around and say:

Oh no. It is mess again

Should i clean again? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm



  1. ulatx

    Don’t go chasing waterfalls.. ?

    • mdobrogov

      I liked creep better 🙂

      • ulatx

        of course, you did ?

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