Be careful what you wish for ‘cause you just might get it. Yet another wish has just come true. I saw The Cardigans live at the South Ocean Festival. It was so exciting. When i saw them on MTV in mid 90s could i possibly think about seeing them live? Ever? I didn’t even know if i would ever go to Sweden. After almost 30 years i got so emotional. Life is about setting goals and achieving them. Small goals. Big goals. Never mind. You think about something and you try to get it. In 2024 Nina Persson, the tiny, beautiful lady with a great, powerful voice on the stage stole my heart. And her boys full of energy made me jump and clap my hands. I felt like that young boy in mid 90s again. The concert was superb. 90 minutes passed like two shakes of a lamb’s tail. I hope they will tour more. Maybe an album will surface? I keep my fingers crossed.
When the rumor broke about them being a headline of the festival, i knew i had to come. I flew seven seas to see them. Tack så jättemycket The Cardigans.
🎶 “For what it’s worth, i love you. And what is worse i really do”