If you ask 1 000 000 random people from all over the world to name a swedish music artist you would get abba or roxette, right? I love the latter, not a fan of the former act.
However, if you ask me to name two swedish artists, i would definitely add kent!
It was the turn of the millenniums when a dj from a polish radio was playing, constantly playing, a swedish band named kent! hagnesta hill (2000) or isola (1998) – two albums that mesmerized me right away! They recorded them either in english and swedish. Two songs that stayed in my head – if you were here and music non stop. But the pinnacle was 747. That was the name of the song and … the length of the song. I bet they were run out of ideas of naming their masterpiece.
Now, when i have been discovering sverige, i play two songs by kent – kärleken väntar (love is waiting) and dom andra (the others). I play them on a regular basis when in sweden. My friend is wee surprised. I tell him i just love those two songs. I have no idea what those tunes are all about. My friend says – those are such sad songs. Really? – i say.
Swedish is not hard. It is … interesting. I have been watching youtube lessons recently and my eyes are getting open wider and wider. I am finally starting to get that language. In sweden i was helpless. I did not get the pronunciation. Some letters did not sound how they looked. K was not k sometimes. G was not g sometimes. Because sometimes it is like that – my friends said. Now i get it! Youtube is a blessing. And do not get me started on “sk” and “sj”.
I think i am gonna master Swedish pretty soon!
Gul galen gå gorilla?