Let me take you far away
You’d like a holiday

This post has two very important meanings.
First of all, Happy Birthday Queen of Pop. You have paved a way for all (future) female artists. Age does not matter.
I was a huge fan of hers. Now, hm, moderate. Although i check everything she releases. There is a “Madonna” playlist in my music library. Happy 62 Madonna!
Why Holiday? Why did i pick this mediocre song? August 15th is a state and church holiday in Poland. We won a battle 100 years ago. If it had not been for that win, we would have been Russia today. As it was Saturday this year, all employers were obligated to give an extra day off. Majority of Poles enjoyed Friday off. So did i. And from tomorrow i start my … holiday. Yay!
Lake District here i come. Maybe there are going to be some posts from there. Will see. If I neglect you, I bow down and sprinkle ashes on my head. I am so looking forward to that trip. Kayaking, biking, swimming, delicious food, good company. That would do, i sincerely believe.
For the past two days i have been frying on the beach. I am red m now. My body is burning. So enough of the sun for me. I hope i will cool off in the land of the lakes.
Additionally, today, 43 years ago, when the Queen of Pop celebrated her 19th birthday, we lost the King.
Heat wave let slightly go. I can breathe and enjoy summer. Bike is my best friend again. Warsaw is pretty at that time of the year. Especially i like visiting Siekierkowski Bridge. It is the only bridge you can admire Warsaw’s Manhattan. Sunsets are stunning. No wonder there are tons of people every evening, around 8 pm. However, when the sun still rules the day, i find a nice bridge with yet another panorama.
Two days ago there was protest at the Belarus embassy in Warsaw. I was in a restaurant witnessing the mortification of Barcelona and Messi. Just shy after 8 pm there was a river of people marching.
We knew what it was. Later some people stepped in for a pint and pizza. I talked to a lady. Asked about the situation in Belarus. She was almost crying. No internet, no phone calls there. She could not reach her close relatives. Did not know how they were. She was outraged by the militia in Minsk. Instead of protecting, they were raping people with their nightsticks. She begged for help from Poland or European Union. We do not want to go to Putin – she cried. I really thought back then that people of Belarus will exile Lukashenko for good. Sadly, yesterday i saw an article – if needed i will turn to Putin for help. A quote of the president of our eastern neighbor. Oh my, he will really do it and Putin will be more than pleased to help. Damn. Poor people of Belarus. I so feel for them.
People in Poland are groaning and whining about other people not wearing masks and not keeping a social distance. I frown every time I see a full face. People, people, people, respect others. Masks on, 5 ft off. On the other hand, as you can see, some individuals are very aware and serious about safety in public places in every state of … awareness.