I think i am old because it is sunday evening and i am not sipping a beer. Martini espresso is a nice change. Coffee? Who wants coffee?
I think i am old because i like new … Sting’s song!
I’ll see my shrink on an analyst’s couch
Hit me with a hammer and I’ll say, ouch
What we have here is so easy to solve
Just takes a firm purpose and some resolve
I am not a huge fan of The Police (never was). I liked some songs back in the days. However, i do not own any albums of theirs. Sting was a different history. I liked him. It was a rough love. Some hit singles were on heavy rotation on my stereo. A stone’s throw from Jerusalem – whenever i heard that beginning I went … mad, positively mad. Polish radio liked/likes mr. Sumner. Polish radio did not pay attention to the singles artists were releasing. If the album was out and there were some good songs, they were simply played. Just like that. That was how i had heard Mad About You before it became another release from The Soul Cages. I am listening to that album while writing that post. I AM old.
All good things came to an end. Polish radio slaughtered Sting’s music. His songs were pouring out from the speakers. Radio killed the music star. Sting with symphony. Sting with Julio Iglesias. Sting singing Fragile in Spanish. Sting in winter rendition. Sting with Shaggy. Nooooo. Noooo. Noooo. I said no. My love ended. Whenever i heard Sting i was changing the channel. And this year, quite recently, he has released his new album called The Bridge. The first cut from it was of course … hyper-annoying. Sting was whistling! And polish radio likes songs whit whistling. Oh no. I was furious. How will i survive with his new music on the radio? – i thought. Nevertheless, i decided to keep listening to that channel. Soon after they announced Sting’s second single – Rushing Water. Oh my. I think i am old. I love this song! I like Sting back!
I think i am old because i liked new Adele’s album. Well, at first i said – well, it is not an album i have been waiting for. She did not record that album for me. Let me rephrase it – it was crap. 21 was ok. I even wrote a post on my polish blog about her sophomore effort. A girl with the matches – i believe it was called. In the nutshell – i said she put fire to the rain meaning she did the impossible. She recorded a great album. And it was a smash. 31 million copies sold! Well done!
25 was dull. Apart from Hello and maybe River Lea, everything else was not recorded for me. 22 million copies sold. Well done!
I was not waiting for her new music. I did not like Easy On Me. However, last Friday i saw a picture of the cover of her album and it dawned on me – it is today! 19th of November, the release of 30. After the first hearing i was in dismay – what the hell is that? There was not even a sole song that could be a hit single. Although i gave her new music a try (5 tries to be exact) and … i think i am old … i like 30! I like it because there is no potential hit single. Of course, Easy On Me is a smash hit right now, but it is only because it is Adele. Any first single from that album would be at the penthouse of any chart. I think she did not have to prove anything. She broke every record with her previous albums. And 30 is just a record she did for herself. I can hear soul, i can hear r’n’b, i can hear Erykah Badu. I am fine with such a mixture.
I think i am old because i bought … suspenders. When i was a kid i had them in my closet. No belts, just suspenders. I wore them on a regular basis. Everybody did. Well, they were not safe. You could easily smash your teeth when the harness claps suddenly detached from the pants. Ouch. I really do not know what happened to them. Why did i stop wearing them? Was it a natural process? Beats me. Quite recently i have noticed that few of my friends have suspenders. Old farts! – i joked. However, after a second thought, i got intrigued and decided to purchase one pair. Oh my! Oh my! New life starts here. Am i old?

I think i am old because i have already put candles and christmas ornaments in my apt. The candles are regular ones. I like to warm up in their glow during autumn and winter seasons. Eh, we are not getting any younger.